Importing Categories
Categories are a very important setup process when starting your marketplace. They have your sellers list their items in a way to enable customers to better find what they are looking for.
Processing Refunds
When a shopper makes a purchase on your marketplace, their order in split into individual order by seller. So if they purchase two items from two different sellers they will see two orders in their orders list.
A marketplace fees example
We get asked a lot about how fees work on Marketplaces Inc. As a marketplace operator, you will set the percentage of sales commission that you charge per transaction. This also reflects in the % of fees that you will pay to the payment gateway (PayPal).
Automated SMS Notifications by Twilio
The marketplace platform contains many trigger actions that send off automated emails to either the customer or seller. Now, with our new integration with Twilio, you can also send these communication by SMS.
Announcing listing carousels on the landing page
You have asked, we have delivered. Today we launch a new way to display your seller listings on the landing page. Carousel mode!