If you are part of, run or own a forum you may not have thought about how your community can benefit from a marketplace. 

Marketplaces Inc can significantly enhance the forum experience. Allowing members to buy/sell/swap or exchange physical and virtual goods between each other. It can be a reason why people join or visit the forums in the first place. 

They can also bring financial benefit for the forum. Additional advertising, listing, transaction or subscription fees. If you are a non profit, as many forums are a marketplace can benefit the community, allowing your users to trade items that they no longer need and for others to benefit from this.

As marketplaces need traction to be successful we here at Marketplaces Inc. believe that introducing a marketplace to an existing community, such as a forum is a perfect win / win / win opportunity.  Marketplaces need scale to make them work and forums have communities as a base for that scale. 

Specialised communities and marketplaces also enable people to seek out hard to find or rare items quicker and easier than the more generalist ones.

The forum benefits from having a place where they can buy / swap & sell as well as rant / debate & chat.  The forum can benefit from added traffic and new members (as well as the option to further monetise) and we at Marketplaces Inc. benefit by selling our platform into a community that we can also become part of. 

So if you are part of, administer, own or run a forum. We want to talk to you! Not all marketplaces have to make loads of money, not all marketplaces need enormous scale to be successful. We hope that some, will just make the world a little bit better….